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Selling Foods Made at Home (Cottage Food Rule) or Foods made commercially or in a commercial kitchen.

 Vendors selling baked goods (cakes, cupcakes, cookies, breads, pies...cream cheese

may require lab testing before it can be produced in a home kitchen), dressings/sauces, candy/chocolates, jams/jellies, popcorn, dry goods, dehydrated foods and the like will need to have a permit through the Utah Cottage Food Rule.  All canned or bottled products (other than fruit jams or jellies) will need to be submitted for evaluation to a Food Processing Authority and tested for pH and water activity.  Furthermore, Meat, poultry and fish jerky products cannot be made under the Utah Cottage Food Rule neither can frozen or refrigerated, lo-acid or acidified canned foods.  For more in formation, applications and labeling click 

Cottage Food Rule Check Off List:  

(a copy of these must be supplied to the market before you can sell)


1.  USDA Certification (around $30) from USDA.  Current Inspector is Cody Huft 385-245-8909


2.  Food Handlers Permit from Tri County Health (you can get this online at


3.  Cottage Food Application Permit (you must go through the procedure for Cottage Food Rule and get the certification from Rebbecca Nielson 801-538-4956.



Commercial Enterprise or Restaurant Check Off List:

If you are a licensed commercial enterprise and/or restaurant , you will need verification of commercial food establishment license.




Cooking and Selling from a Commercial Kitchen Check Off List:

(a copy of these must be supplied to the market before you can sell at the farmers market)

1. USDA Certification (around $30) from USDA. Current Inspector is Cody Huft phone 385-245-8909  


2.  If you are making your food in a commercial kitchen, you must present the name of the establishment, the date it was made in the commercial kitchen and the kitchen MUST be a regularly inspected kitchen.


3.  Food Handlers Permit from Tri County Health (you can get this online at

(Note:  If the food you are making in a commercial kitchen is high risk for food born illness, you will need to obtain a Serve Safe certification.)


Homemade Food/ Home Consumption

This category is different and not subject to cottage foods rule. Vendors in this category will be located in a separate area from other food vendors and are subject to different guidelines.   

2025 AVFM

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